Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back again

Well, so much for weekly posting. The last month has been busy, as for everyone, but I have a week left before work starts again.

I got to catch up with a friend this evening who went to church with me as I grew up. For much of our childhood, we were the only two active people our age, and it was great to talk to her again after several years' lapse.

I talked with her about my passion to develop small groups in our church, about how it creates an environment for you to talk out your faith with a group of people you trust, like a practice run, before you go talk out your faith in the real world.

Her response: "I could see that. You're probably more challenged in the small group setting and forced to be more vulnerable. It doesn't seem like you could hide too much in that setting."

We both grew up in a church that tended to focus more on faith in terms of rule-following than faith in terms of having a relationship with Christ. We both mentioned that there seemed to be something missing, that nothing we were taught was wrong, but it was incomplete.

She and her husband are seeking to find more in the Christian walk than what they've experienced lived out by the believers around them.

I am realizing that small groups can tend to challenge people to take their faith more personally and more seriously. When you meet with people and talk about how Christ impacts your life, week to week, you can't hide anymore. You will be encouraged, even pushed, to honor Christ more and more every day of your life. It becomes less about "looking right" for a few hours on Sunday and more about "being holy" day by day.

My wife and I meet with the small groups staff liaison tomorrow to discuss how to begin to seek out new leaders. We also need to discuss how to begin promotion of small groups so they are not a threat to a strong Sunday School culture.

I really need God's wisdom in this arena. Those who have experienced small group life, for the most part, really like it and want to continue to participate in it, either in addition to Sunday School or as an alternative. But for those who have not yet experienced it, how can I get them to see the importance of investing love in others more personally than can happen in an hour on Sunday mornings? I know many, many people that really do "get it" through Sunday School experiences. They have those connections, that support that they need. But I also know and see many, many people who do not have those connections, and they really don't know how to ask for more. Small groups can be that "more" if allowed.

Next topic:  How to name our small group ministry???

I have tentatively settled on Connection Groups, but in print (and spoken word time) that's almost too long.  So what about C-Groups, with the "C" referring to several ideas?

  • Christ--A relationship with Christ directs all we do in C-Groups.
  • Connection--A connection with other believers provides the support we need to grow in Christ.
  • Community--A community provides accountability to live as a Christ-follower day in, day out.
  • Care--C-Groups provide care in individuals' times of need, in a way that provides strength and dignity.
  • Courage--C-Groups give us the courage to move forward in our walk with Christ.
  • Conversation--C-Groups provide the needed conversations for us to own our faith.
I could see a logo being developed out of those words surrounding "C-Groups."

Any feedback would be appreciated.


P.S.  I hope the weekly posting will recommence as of this week.